Annexation Of Texas Icivics Answer Key

The annexation of Texas by the United States in 1845 stands as a pivotal moment in American history. This annexation of texas icivics answer key provides a comprehensive overview of the events leading up to the annexation, the motivations behind it, and the consequences that followed.

As we delve into this topic, we will explore the complexities of the Texas Revolution, the Treaty of Velasco, and the establishment of the Republic of Texas. We will also examine the impact of the annexation on Native Americans, slavery, and the outbreak of the Mexican-American War.

Annexation of Texas

The annexation of Texas by the United States in 1845 was a significant event in American history. It led to the Mexican-American War and the expansion of the United States into the Southwest. The annexation of Texas was a controversial issue at the time, and it remains a topic of debate today.

Motivations Behind the Annexation

  • The United States wanted to expand its territory into the Southwest.
  • The United States wanted to protect its interests in Texas, which was a major source of cotton.
  • The United States wanted to prevent Texas from becoming a British colony.

Consequences of the Annexation

  • The annexation of Texas led to the Mexican-American War.
  • The annexation of Texas expanded the United States into the Southwest.
  • The annexation of Texas led to the debate over the expansion of slavery into the new territories.

Texas Revolution

The Texas Revolution was a conflict between the Mexican government and American settlers in Texas. The revolution began in 1835 and ended in 1836 with the establishment of the Republic of Texas.

Key Battles and Events of the Revolution

  • The Battle of Gonzales
  • The Battle of the Alamo
  • The Battle of San Jacinto

Significance of the Revolution

The Texas Revolution was a significant event in American history. It led to the establishment of the Republic of Texas and the eventual annexation of Texas by the United States.

Treaty of Velasco

Annexation of texas icivics answer key

The Treaty of Velasco was a treaty that ended the Texas Revolution. The treaty was signed on May 14, 1836, between the Mexican government and the Republic of Texas.

Terms of the Treaty

  • Mexico recognized the independence of Texas.
  • Texas agreed to pay Mexico $10 million.
  • Texas agreed to return all Mexican prisoners of war.

Impact of the Treaty

The Treaty of Velasco had a significant impact on Texas and Mexico. The treaty established the independence of Texas and led to the eventual annexation of Texas by the United States. The treaty also led to the loss of territory for Mexico.

Controversy Surrounding the Treaty

The Treaty of Velasco has been the subject of controversy. Some historians argue that the treaty was not valid because it was signed under duress. Others argue that the treaty was a necessary step in the establishment of the Republic of Texas.

Republic of Texas: Annexation Of Texas Icivics Answer Key

Annexation of texas icivics answer key

The Republic of Texas was a sovereign state that existed from 1836 to 1845. The republic was located in the present-day state of Texas.

Establishment of the Republic

The Republic of Texas was established after the Texas Revolution. The republic was recognized by the United States and several other countries.

Political and Economic Development

The Republic of Texas had a republican form of government. The republic’s economy was based on agriculture, particularly cotton.

Reasons for Annexation

The Republic of Texas was annexed by the United States in 1845. The annexation was controversial, but it was ultimately approved by the United States Congress.

Mexican-American War

The Mexican-American War was a conflict between the United States and Mexico. The war began in 1846 and ended in 1848 with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Key Battles and Events of the War

  • The Battle of Buena Vista
  • The Battle of Chapultepec
  • The Battle of Monterrey

Impact of the War

The Mexican-American War had a significant impact on the United States and Mexico. The war led to the United States acquiring a vast amount of territory, including the present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico. The war also led to the loss of territory for Mexico.

Impact of Annexation on Native Americans

Annexation of texas icivics answer key

The annexation of Texas had a significant impact on Native American tribes. The annexation led to the loss of land and resources for Native Americans.

Loss of Land and Resources

The annexation of Texas led to the loss of land and resources for Native Americans. The United States government forced Native Americans to relocate to reservations, which were often located in less desirable areas.

Resistance of Native Americans

Native Americans resisted the annexation of Texas. They fought against the United States government in a series of wars and skirmishes.

Impact of Annexation on Slavery

The annexation of Texas had a significant impact on the institution of slavery. The annexation led to the debate over the expansion of slavery into the new territories.

Debate over the Expansion of Slavery, Annexation of texas icivics answer key

The annexation of Texas led to a debate over the expansion of slavery into the new territories. Some people argued that slavery should be allowed in the new territories, while others argued that it should be banned.

Role of Slavery in the Annexation of Texas

The issue of slavery played a significant role in the annexation of Texas. Some people argue that the United States annexed Texas in order to expand slavery, while others argue that slavery was not a major factor in the annexation.

General Inquiries

What were the key events leading up to the annexation of Texas?

The key events leading up to the annexation of Texas include the Texas Revolution, the Treaty of Velasco, and the establishment of the Republic of Texas.

What were the motivations behind the annexation of Texas?

The motivations behind the annexation of Texas included a desire for expansion, a belief in Manifest Destiny, and a fear of British influence in Texas.

What were the consequences of the annexation of Texas?

The consequences of the annexation of Texas included increased tensions with Mexico, the outbreak of the Mexican-American War, and the expansion of slavery into new territories.

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